Something that really intrigued me throughout the film was Godard's obsession with faces. In multiple scenes he has the same repetition of a series of funny faces that Michel makes, and he always would have someone looking at themselves in the mirror. I've tried to figure this out myself but have only come up with a few theories. My first theory is Godard used all these face  and mirror shots to show how self centered and image dependent the main character Michel Poiccard was. Michel throughout the film is always wanting to be intimate with Patricia. So everything about him to me seems physical. My second theory is that Godard wants to be more intimate with his audience. By showing extreme close ups with shallow depth of field the viewers see a different point of view. They see the characters in a more familiar, and cozy light. Being close to someone's face, and seeing their every flaw is a sign of trust. Godard, I think, wanted the audience to feel a close connection with the characters. He did not want them to seem like perfect surreal beings in a perfect fictional world. So what do you think? 

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